Sunday, August 31, 2008

Birthday Party

these are all my girlfriends

singing with cathy

b-day girl and me

Alyssa and I finally made over to the b-day party yesterday. Hubby is working so, we opted to ride from one of my friend's car. What we did is, hubby take us to my friend's house and by the time were done his brother, terry take us home. It was 9 'o'clock when we left the b-day party's house and by the time we get here at home it was 11 pm. Yeah, its pretty late. There is nothing we can do, that is Filipino style. Every time we went out for a diner or party or something we ended up staying late. Anyway the b-day girl Jocelyn, prepared all kinds of yummy foods. I salute her for cooking them all. We ended have a lot of fun. We been singing with Cathy's magic sing...oh God i love it..It was a perfect day to all of us indeed.

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